Non-accounting executives have increasingly found the need to fully understand audited financial statements (AFS). Whether in the course of their advisory services or simply for the need to know what actually is relevant, the true knowledge of what the AFS presents has become indispensable in any meaningful conversation on relevant organisation. For example, more lawyers continue to act as company secretaries with the responsibility of co-signing the AFS; more litigation attorneys either have to prosecute or defend winding-up cases on the basis of the failing financial health of a business; more shareholders, directors, competitors, government officials and business affairs enthusiasts must importantly understand what is going on financially with an organisation of interest. The ability to read, understand, and interrogate the AFS is a skill that must be learnt, hence the need to teach it. Teaching it to non-accounting executives comes with its peculiar skill that the proposed Training on AFS Non-Accounting Executives (the Training) is prepared and designed to provide.