Hi there,

Welcome to the month of September, the last month in the third quarter, and the ninth month of the year. Looking back from here, it seems like the year only started a few weeks back but going down memory lane in our daily lives, we will realize that a lot has happened from the horrible bosses trend to the Gen Z and HR “palava” to the massive exodus of human resources in the country. I am sure a couple of us have lost colleagues, friends, and even family members to the “Japa” trend. Well, whatever the case, look where we are and how far we have, and I am confident we will be grateful if we have a good time of reflection. Welcome to another Productivity Wednesday.

Our conversations this month will be centered on the character in the workplace and our entire career growth. An African Proverb says, “beauty will take you to the palace, but character keeps you there” Applying this to the context of the workplace, it will take technical skills and experience to get a job, but it will require more than those to help you keep the job or grow on the job. Recently, I was having a conversation with a friend, and he said, there were certain promotions or levels you would not attain within the organization he works for, no matter the revenue you generate or business you make happen, so long as you are lacking in emotional quotient and social capital, you will keep circling around your current “mountain”.

It is easy for us to point fingers at people or management as employees and see all that isn’t working or seek improvement on the things that are working. I am not saying it is bad looking for things to get better, but have you evaluated yourself and the work you bring to the table? Let me make it easy for us to answer:

  • If you are to be paid by the quantity and quality of work you deliver every day, will you be paid more or less than you earn?
  • If you are assessed by your attitude to work, how fast will you grow in your organization?
  • If you are judged by the relationship you have with your colleagues, how easy will it be to get a referral from your network?

There are a series of questions in this regard but let these ones linger in your mind for now and in the course of this conversation, we will delve deeper into character traits that impact our career growth and success. Enough of the finger-pointing, it’s time to talk to the person in the mirror! Just stay glued to our articles and you will be well informed on everything about productivity.

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 Our goal is not only to find you potential candidates but also to provide them with the best possible training and development opportunities. Our team members are highly skilled professionals who can help you to achieve your goals as a business or as an individual.  Kindly send us an email at e.mbahon@21search.ng or call 08107017274 for more inquiries

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