Hi there,

Welcome to the month of July and the second half of the year. It feels like the year only started a few weeks ago and just like that we are in the second half of the year. I hope the second half has started out well with you and you are in good health because good health is at the core of everything we have set to achieve.

I guess this is a good time to go through the first half of the year and all that has happened and all that you have done and achieved. Often times when we talk about, the sense of pain and regret of all the “almost had or near success” events tend to cloud our minds and we fail to see the many good things that have happened. A word of encouragement from me: don’t let the success that you have not attained cloud your vision of what you have achieved. The difference between Here and There is “T” and that is time; just keep putting in efforts consistently and soon enough, that big break will be staring at you in the face.

A time for review and reflection is basically a time of assessment and not a time to wallow in regret; if you have been putting in efforts and haven’t seen any results, don’t stop. Posterity will speak positively, and a time of reflection will unveil to you what you might have been doing wrongly and need to improve on and what to stop doing as well. One of the areas we should really reflect on is our finances because whether we accept it or not, money is one of the major reasons you took up that job or the role you currently work or the next you are looking to switch. As a Christian the bible tells me, “Money answers all things” and on the streets, you will hear, “the money stops nonsense”. Money is a fundamental part of our existence and our career life. All through this month, we would focus on money; from making to spending and even investing. Whatever we do with our finances directly or indirectly affects our productivity at work and might even our mental health.

This month make it a date every Wednesday to catch up on the exciting articles that we will be churning out on the topic. 21Search is a Recruitment, Manpower management, Standardization, Training, and Certification organization and we have an array of courses: Audited Financial Statement for Non-Accounting Executives (AFS4NAE), Data Protection Training, and Cyber Security among many others. Kindly send us an email to e.mbahon@21search to get a quote or make inquiries about any of our services.

Until I come your way again, stay safe, work smart, and not just hard.

Love, Lizzy.

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