Hi there,

Welcome to another edition of our Productivity Wednesday and the last Wednesday in the month and the third quarter of the year. Wow! How time flies right?! Well, this just awakens us to the reality of how well we have done so far and how far we have come.

Earlier this month, we started a discussion on experience and employability and so far, we have had a great run. The discussion today brings us to wrap on this topic, and you would agree with me that one of the reasons we look to experience or gaining experience is the upgrade it brings with it.

Harold Geneen once said, “In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later.” If you are looking to increase your earnings, seek to increase your experience level. With more years of experience comes capacity and capacity brings with it value and value in turn brings the jewel (cash). Following our discussion last week on growing by engaging volunteerism, internships, communication with family and friends and so on, you could be wondering areas which you should grow in experience. Often, we limit our growth in experience to our core competencies or hard skills and tend to neglect support skills that are also pivotal in keeping organization afloat. In recent times, you would have noticed the increase in promoting the need for soft skills in organization. So, while taking courses in your core area of competencies, do not neglect skills such as communication, interpersonal skills, self-management, problem solving, leadership, organization and planning and so on.

While we have made a case for the relevance of experience once a person is willing to learn on getting a job, the labour market would almost always pick the candidates with some level of experience over candidates with little or no experience. So as this quarter closes and ushers in a new quarter and the close of the year approaches, don’t cancel out plans of gaining more this year and increasing your chances for better earning and ascending the corporate ladder. Get up, dress up, show up and don’t give up. 21Search Limited is a company that provides career advisory, training, recruitment and outsourcing services as well as helping your organization get ISO certified. Kindly send an email to e.mbahon@21search.ng to get a quote.

Until I come your way again, stay safe, work smart and not just hard and happy Independence anniversary to Nigeria.



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